CANADA How The Communists Took Control
Canadian State of the Union: September 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Faire sécession vers l'Union nord-Américain

Les sentiments des Québécois français sont impitoyablement exploités afin de créer une fausse association de «l'indépendance» à la question référendaire trompeuse qui demande en realite qu'un « mandat de négocier souveraineté-association.»

« Souveraineté-association » (1980) à savoir « souveraineté-partenariat » (1995) n'est pas l'indépendance, c'est le système de gouvernement de l'Union européenne, et il supprime la souveraineté par degrés, en ne laissant rien à l'État-membre.

Ce système conduit à l'érosion de la démocratie, et à la perte complète de la souveraineté nationale.

Le but du système est de transférer progressivement la souveraineté nationale à un niveau supranational.

A ce niveau supranational, les décisions sont prises et des lois sont adoptées sans aucune préoccupation de l'opinion du peuple.

Dans son autobiographie écrite en 1985 et publié en 1986, René Lévesque a admis qu'il était un fédéraliste mondial. Un mondialiste.

Les mondialistes soutiennent l'idée d'un gouvernement mondial qui dicte toutes les valeurs et qui contrôle toutes les ressources.

Dans son autobiographie rédigée en 1985 René Lévesque a dit, «Je suis fédéraliste» et «l'État-nation a fait son temps». Par conséquent, il faut se demander ce qu'il a vraiment essayer de créer avec son référendum de 1980. Car il essayait de créer la «souveraineté-association» -- le système de l'Union européenne qui prive les peuples de leur contrôle et conduit à un gouvernement mondial.

Afin de transférer le contrôle des ressources au niveau supranational, il doit y avoir «un peuple» à qui seul appartiennent ces ressources, ainsi qu'une « nation » reconnue en droit international public capable de diriger ses propres affaires internationales afin de transférer légalement le plein contrôle de ses ressources par voie de traité.

Il n'y a rien de poétique ou romantique d'être dépouillé de ses ressources par des Joueurs de flûte de Hamelin qui nous vendent notre souveraineté sur leurs propres conditions et stratégies. Ils formulent la question afin de recevoir la réponse dont ils ont besoin.

Dire «OUI» au «mandat de négocier» est de nous faites voler de botre souveraineté et de nos ressources par la force.

Va-t-on tomber pour cela ?

* * *

Lors du spectacle de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste de 1975 sur le Mont-Royal, Gilles Vigneault met temporairement un terme à une période sabbatique en créant la chanson «Gens du pays» qui deviendra l'une de ses plus célèbres compositions.

Cette chanson, dont chacun connaît l'air et le refrain, est chantée lors des anniversaires québécois sous sa version «Mon cher ____, c'est à ton tour». Elle est devenue l'hymne non-officiel du Québec.

-- Kathleen Moore
La Contestation Judiciaire Officielle
à l'Union nord-Américaine

Billet : « PAULINE MAROIS soutient l'Union nord-Américaine »

Billet : « Sarkozy Scamming Quebec's Hoodwinked Separatists »



The sentiments of French Quebecers are being mercilessly exploited to create a false association of 'independence' with the misleading referendum question seeking a 'mandate to negotiate sovereignty association'. "Sovereignty Association" (1980) is not independence, nor is "Sovereignty Partnership" (1995); it is the system of government of the European Union, and it removes sovereignty by degrees, leaving the member state with nothing.

This system is leading to the erosion of democracy, and the full loss of sovereignty.

The purpose of the system is to gradually transfer national sovereignty to a supranational level.

At this supranational level, decisions are made and laws are enacted without any concern for the views of the people.

In his autobiography written in 1985 and published in 1986, RL admitted he was a world federalist. A globalist.

Globalists support the idea of a one-world government which dictates all values and controls all the resources.

In his autobiography, René Lévesque said, "I am a federalist" and "the nation-state has seen its day". Therefore, ask yourself, what was he really trying to create with his 1980 referendum? He was trying to create "sovereignty-association" -- the European Union system which deprives nations of their control and leads to a one-world government.

In order to transfer control of resources to the supranational level, there must be a 'people' to whom alone these resources belong, and a 'nation' capable of international affairs (at international public law) to legally hand control over by way of treaty.

There is nothing poetic or romantic about being robbed of your resources by Pied pipers selling you your sovereignty in order to take it from you. They formulate the question in order to get from you the answer they need.

Saying "YES" to a "mandate to negotiate" is agreeing to be robbed of our sovereignty and of our resources by force.

Are we going to fall for it?

* * *

When performing at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste celebrations of 1975 on Mount Royal in Montreal, Gilles Vigneault put a temporary end to his sabbatical in order to create the song "Gens du pays" (people of the nation) which became one of his most famous compositions.

This song, to which everyone knows the tune and the refrain is even sung at birthday parties in Quebec as the version 'Dear ____, it's your turn'. "Gens du paus" has become the unofficial anthem of Quebec.

-- Kathleen Moore
The Official Legal Challenge
To North American Union

Blog : "Sarkozy Scamming Quebec's Hoodwinked Separatists"

Blog : « PAULINE MAROIS soutient l'Union nord-Américaine » (in French)




"But is the thesis of continuing Canadian fragmentation after Quebec's secession plausible? Could North America unravel? The United States must take the possibility seriously enough to draw up plans for a form of supranational affiliation with the remnants of Canada. ... ... This new form of affiliation should be aimed midway between the fragility of a treaty and the rigidity of statehood."

-- Will Canada Unravel ? Plotting a map if Quebec secedes, Charles F. Doran, Foreign Affairs, September/October 1996, Volume 75 . Number 5

* * *

Six years before the events of September 11th in the USA, CFR member and author Charles F. Doran wrote these words in the CFR's journal, Foreign Affairs:

Plotting A Map if Quebec Secedes

"But is the thesis of continuing Canadian fragmentation after Quebec's secession plausible? Could North America unravel? The United States must take the possibility seriously enough to draw up plans for a form of supranational affiliation with the remnants of Canada. ... ... This new form of affiliation should be aimed midway between the fragility of a treaty and the rigidity of statehood."

Doran was writing at a time when the second attempt to force Quebec to "secede" into an EU-style "supranational affiliation" with the "rest of Canada" in 1995 had recently failed. In proposing a "remedy" in the event of a future success, Doran appears to be attempting to fast-track the North American Union that had been planned decades ago, in embryo, as the "Canadian Community" or the "Canadian Union", which René Lévesque used to call it. For, the phony "secession of Quebec" is and always was a scam to impose the EU system on this continent.

The 1995 attempt having failed, the clever CFR immediately proposes the very same thing as the "remedy" for its future occurrence, but applies the secretly looked for "supranational affiliation" of Rest-of-Canada-Quebec to ALL of North America.

In order to get this fast-track done the next time around, Doran "predicts" that not just the USA, but "North America" could "unravel" if Quebec "secedes". Therefore, so as to stabilize the continent, it must ALL be merged under the very supranational institutions Trudeau and Lévesque failed to impose on Quebec and "the rest of Canada" in 1980.

Had they not failed then, and again in 1995, Canada would now be long gone, and NAFTA would have linked the USA and Mexico into the "Canadian Union"... on the way to full-scale North American Union, which is emerging now through a series of other measures.

While Europe had been put through its paces at a steady gait with the advancement of European integration by successive treaties modifying and intensifying the initial treaty of association, the CFR's North America was flailing sovereignly in the grand European wake... a continent still yet to be "harmonized" with Europe.

Plans for global continental integration and world government have evidently been slightly delayed. However, South America was "harmonized" successfully on 3 May 2008, and CAFTA-ALBA is attempting to bring in Central America to link up the western hemisphere with the Johnny-come-lately merger of North America.

Interestingly enough, 9/11 seems to have sped the CFR's plans up. For, the system being imposed now via the CFR's "Building A North American Community" plan of May 2005, which adds flesh to the bones of the March 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) agreed among Vicente Fox, George Bush of 9/11 fame and Prime Minister Paul Martin, was always intended to emerge as a result of Quebec's phony "secession" into the EEC system. Instead, it is now being done on a fast-track under the auspices of 9/11 as the pretext. And this, without any independent inquiry in Canada into the "freefall" events of September 11th.

If 9/11 was an inside job, and "security" is removed from the SPP and the Building A North American Community blueprint of the CFR, is it reasonable to imagine any self-respecting stable and independently wealthy sovereign nation willingly annexing itself to one or two other states on the mere pretext of "trade" or staunching the flow of illegal aliens?

In effect, 9/11 is doing to North America what the phony "secession" of Quebec has not been able to get done. According to my research, however, the secession of Quebec will be attempted once again... at which point, Charles F. Doran may pen yet another self-serving update for the CFR and Foreign Affairs.... on how "lucky" North America was to have been "secured" and "integrated" in advance of Quebec "secession", so as to prevent the continent from... "unravelling".

With North America under "deep integration", what's the purpose now of Quebec "secession"? Why, to cover up decades of treason, and to make Canadians believe they were fortunate to have fallen by chance into NAU as a "remedy" against post-secession Balkanization.

Last month, Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc Quebecois, which is planted illegally in the federal Parliament of Canada, toured Canada urging all the provinces to "secede". Meanwhile, the Americans have a 10th Amendment movement, which is urging all the US States to do the same thing. Could these two parallel movements be a coincidence? Or, are they evidence of superlative timing and counter-planning by the infamous CFR?

See my Gilles Duceppe FB group: Canada Tour 2010 - Treason Rally (still in development):!/group.php?gid=117511084929452&ref=ts

You can read the whole Doran article here:

"Will Canada Unravel? Plotting a Map if Quebec Secedes". Charles F. Doran · September/October Foreign Affairs (CFR) 1996


For a better view of the "plan" back in 1979, read Lévesque's "white paper" on his desire to replace the Confederation of Canada with a Treaty of Association similar to that of the EEC as it then was:

Québec-Canada: A New Deal. The Québec Government Proposal for a New Partnership Between Equals: Sovereignty-Association


For more discussion of the scam, as I unravel it, see my blog:

Kathleen Moore
The Official Legal Challenge
To North American Union

NB: Must see my VIDEOS in this FB group "Habeas Corpus Canada".



Canada apparently has many enemies, the Roman Catholic Church among them. The Vatican, that is, the Pope, was instrumental in the destruction of the sovereign nation of SFRY Yugoslavia by using the "nation-state" status of Vatican City to "internationally recognize" a rebel component of the SFRY as a state. See:

"In 1993, the Pope Openly Embraced Kosovo Secession"

The Church is apparently deeply involved in the phony "secession" of Quebec. During 1997 "hearings" on the "Reference re the Secession of Quebec", amicus curiae (friend of the court) Joli-Coeur, tabled public statements of Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte. Some of those statements are mentioned in Hansard.

We know that the phony secession of Quebec is and has always really been intended to impose the EEC-EU system of government on this continent, a step toward world government. Can the Vatican be unaware of this scam? Hardly. Therefore, reasonable observers would have to think that the Vatican must be abusing French Canadians, as our politicians are, using them to destroy Canada for NAU and world government.

There have apparently been "Pope sightings" on the guest list of the Bilderberg. What is the Catholic Church planning to gain in the long-term from the wrack and ruin of the international system of nation states?

Here are a few examples of the Catholic Church pushing Quebec secession:


/ Mr. Michel Bellehumeur (Berthier—Montcalm, BQ):

/ 1035

However, Quebeckers have understood what is at stake. In the last several weeks, we have seen and heard men and women from every political background condemn the government for what it is trying to do. Since I have little time left, I will name only a few of them. Claude Ryan, chairman of the no committee during the 1980 referendum and former Leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec; Daniel Johnson, leader of the no committee in 1995 and present leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec; some senators, and among them Jean-Claude Rivest; former Conservative ministers, among them Monique Vézina; reporters who are not always on our side but who have vigorously condemned what the federal government is doing. There were also members of the church hierarchy, namely Mgr Blanchette, bishop of Rimouski; Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, who delivered the same message, namely that "It is for Quebeckers to decide their own future."

[ ... ]

/ Ms. Jocelyne Girard-Bujold (Jonquière, BQ):


/ 1225

Other key figures like Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, archbishop of Montreal, and Monseigneur Bertrand Blanchette, archbishop of the diocese of Rimouski, have said that the Supreme Court should not decide the future of the Quebec people, thus echoing the position taken by the bishops of Quebec and Canada in favour of self-determination, at the centennial of Confederation in 1967.

/ Mr. Yves Rocheleau (Trois-Rivières, BQ):

/ 1355

Think about Jean-Claude Rivest, Conservative senator and former special advisor to the Liberal premier, Mr. Bourassa, a federalist, who said at one point that never again would Quebec go through what it went through after Charlottetown. Think about André Tremblay, special constitutional advisor to Robert Bourassa in Charlottetown in 1992. Think about Cardinal Turcotte—and that tops it all—who, despite his very delicate functions, has had the courage to take a stand in this debate, knowing what kind of criticism he would draw because of that. Where does the Liberal Party of Canada stand in Quebec at this moment apart from the support it gets from Alliance Quebec? I would like my colleague from Beauce to respond to that.

This old Hansard, and in particular Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte's public statements supporting the illegal referendums "to secede", has inspired me to create some images on the subject.

My goal is to expose the essential hypocrisy, and cruelty of the Church urging French-Canadians to liberate themselves to destroy Canada for some blood-chilling share of power the Church may have in store for itself under a one-world government.

Kathleen Moore
The Official Legal Challenge
To North American Union




Le Canada a apparemment beaucoup d'ennemis, l'Église Catholique Romaine parmi eux. Le Vatican, c'est-à-dire, le Pape, était instrumental dans la destruction de la nation souverain de l'ex-Yougoslavie (SFRY) en utilisant le statut d'état-nation du Vatican afin de « reconnaître » internationalement un composant rebel du SFRY comme un état.

« In 1993, the Pope Openly Embraced Kosovo Secession » (« En 1993, le Paper ouvertement embrassé la sécession de Kosovo »)

L'Eglise est apparemment profondément impliquée dans l'escroquerie de la « sécession » de Québec. En 1997, pendant les « audiences » sur le « Renvoi relatif à la Sécession de Québec », l'amicus curiæ (« ami de la cour ») Maître André Joli-Cœur déposa devant la Cour suprême du Canada quelques déclarations publiques de Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte. Certaines de ces déclarations sont mentionnées dans Hansard.

Nous savons que le vrai but de la sécession de Québec est -- et toujours a toujours été -- d'en imposer par « traité » le système juridique et politique du CEE-UE, une étape vers un gouvernement mondial. Le Vatican peut-il nier toute connaissance de cette escroquerie ? À peine.

Donc, les observateurs raisonnables devraient penser que le Vatican manipule les Canadiens français, tout comme le font nos politiciens, afin de détruire le Canada au profit des élites qui poussent l'Union Nord-Américaine, étape vers un gouvernement mondial.

Les noms de quelques Papes ont été vus sur les listes d'invité de Bilderberg.

Qu'est-ce que l'Eglise catholique a l'intention de gagner à la long terme de la ruine du système international d'états-nation ?

Voici quelques exemples de l'attitude de l'Eglise catholique à l'appui de la «sécession» de Québec :

À voir : Source:

/ M. Michel Bellehumeur (Berthier—Montcalm, BQ):

/ 1035

Cependant, au Québec, on a compris l'enjeu. On a vu et entendu, au cours des dernières semaines, des hommes et des femmes de tous les horizons politiques dénoncer le geste que tente de poser le gouvernement d'en face. Je vais en nommer quelques-uns, compte tenu du temps qui m'est alloué: Claude Ryan, président du comité du non lors du référendum de 1980 et ancien chef du Parti libéral du Québec; Daniel Johnson, président du comité du non en 1995 et chef actuel du Parti libéral du Québec; des sénateurs, en autres, Jean-Claude Rivest; d'anciens ministres conservateurs comme Monique Vézina; des journalistes, qui ne sont pas toujours de notre côté, mais qui ont dénoncé vigoureusement les gestes que le fédéral est en train de poser. Il y a même des gens d'Église, dont monseigneur Blanchette, évêque de Rimouski et le cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, dont le message était unique, dont le message était le même: «C'est au peuple québécois de décider de son avenir».

[ ... ]

/ M. Pierre Brien (Témiscamingue, BQ):

/ 1210

Je conclus, dans la minute qui me reste, en disant que le Bloc québécois n'est pas tout seul à dénoncer cette situation. Je n'aurai pas le temps de vous lire toutes mes citations, mais je vais vous nommer des gens qui disent la même chose que nous: le cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte; M. Claude Ryan, l'ancien chef du camp du non des fédéralistes, en 1980; M. Daniel Johnson, l'ancien chef des fédéralistes du camp du non, en 1995 et qui, jusqu'à preuve du contraire, est encore chef du Parti libéral du Québec, ce serait donc encore lui le chef des fédéralistes au Québec; M. Lucien Bouchard; M. Alain Dubuc; le député de Sherbrooke; le député de Laurier—Sainte-Marie, chef du Bloc québécois; M. Alain Pellet, président de la Commission du droit international des Nations unies; M. Gordon Wilson, conseiller constitutionnel du premier ministre de la Colombie-Britannique. Il y a beaucoup de gens. Il y a un consensus qui est même plus que québécois, qui est en train de se faire ailleurs qu'au Québec, même sur la scène internationale.

/ Mme Jocelyne Girard-Bujold (Jonquière, BQ):


/ 1225
D'autres personnalités, comme le cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, archevêque de Montréal, monseigneur Bertrand Blanchette, archevêque du diocèse de Rimouski ont souligné que la Cour suprême n'a pas à décider de l'avenir du peuple québécois, reprenant en cela la prise de position des évêques du Québec et du Canada en faveur du principe de l'autodétermination lors du centenaire de la Confédération, en 1967.

/ Mr. Yves Rocheleau (Trois-Rivières, BQ):

/ 1355

Quand on sait que M. Jean-Claude Rivest, sénateur conservateur et ancien conseiller spécial du premier ministre libéral, M. Bourassa, qui était un fédéraliste, s'est tenu debout et a dit, à un moment donné, que jamais plus le Québec ne vivrait ce qu'il venait de vivre au lendemain de Charlottetown, que M. André Tremblay, conseiller constitutionnaliste spécial de M. Robert Bourassa, à Charlottetown, en 1992, et que le cardinal Turcotte—c'est la cerise sur le sundae—, malgré des fonctions très délicates, on le sait, a le courage de prendre position dans le débat sachant la hargne dont il serait victime, où est le Parti libéral du Canada au Québec actuellement si ce n'est avec Alliance Québec, tout simplement, comme appui? J'aimerais connaître la réplique du député de Beauce.

* * * * *

Cet ancien Hansard, et plus notamment les déclarations publiques du Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte à l'appui des référendums illégaux m'a inspiré à créer des images sur le sujet.

Mon but est de démasquer l'hypocrisie essentielle, et la cruauté de l'Eglise qui exhorte les Canadiens-français qui ne sont carrément pas emprisonnés à «se libérer» afin de détruire le Canada pour gagner sa part du pouvoir sous un éventuel gouvernement mondial construit à partir de la fusion des unions continentales y compris l'Union nord-américaine.

Kathleen Moore
La Contestation Judiciaire Officielle
À L'Union Nord-Américaine

Blog :

Billet : « PAULINE MAROIS soutient l'Union nord-Américaine »